60 Year 10 pupils across all 6 schools in the Strule Partnership recently participated in an “Education2Enterprise” Event, organised by Loreto Grammar School and facilitated by Omagh Enterprise Company.
The aim of the event was to break the boundaries of classrooms and broaden horizons into the world of Business and Enterprise. Pupils were introduced to Enterprise, learned about the traits and skills of an entrepreneur through examples of successful business leaders who have hailed from each of the 6 local schools.
Guest speaker was Ryan Tracey from Duff balloons who delivered an engaging, interactive and informative session, inspiring the pupils with an account of his personal journey and achievements, underpinned by a positive can-do approach.
Pupils, in mixed school groups worked on a business pitch, following advice from local business advisors and presented their poster pitch to the panel of judges which included Nicholas O Shiel- Chief Executive, Omagh Enterprise Company, Dermot Devlin, My Way Access and Mary-Jo McGuire, Invest NI.
The judges were highly impressed with the outcome of the group work and commended the standard and delivery of the pitches.
Congratulating all involved, Mr O’Shiel encouraged pupils to seek opportunities, to develop entrepreneurship and to foster a self-belief that can make dreams possible and ideas a reality.