
Strule Shared Education Campus is a significant infrastructure programme which will considerably alter how traffic operates in Omagh.
To understand and plan for this change, the Department of Education appointed a dedicated specialist team to develop the best possible solution for both the campus and Omagh.
Extensive Transport Assessments measuring both the impact of Strule and other development proposals in the area have been produced in close collaboration with the Department for Infrastructure (DfI).
This detailed assessment considered the origin and destination of trips to and from Strule Shared Education Campus. To minimise the impact significant enhancements to the road network around the campus will be implemented.
The Strathroy Link Road contract was awarded by DfI Roads in May 2017 and is to complete Q4 of 2019.
The Gortin Road Scheme, being led by DfI, has been designed and is awaiting Planning approval. This scheme will facilitate smooth operation of the campus, allowing for drop off and pick up along the Gortin Road without obstructing the free flow of traffic.